High Holidays

The High Holidays are around the corner. It’s always a reflective time but this year in particular the New Year and the Day of Atonement will have a deeper meaning for many. A question you probably never thought you would need to answer is, “how can I make the ‘days of awe’ meaningful and fulfilling if I cannot attend in person?”   Everyone will have to answer that for him or herself.  Ira and Julia Levin (our cantorial duo) and your Leadership Board are doing our best to prepare and to help provide a deeply meaningful experience for the community, especially in light of losing our beloved Rabbi Fred Pomerantz.

Through the uncertainty of these times many have found that turning to their congregation has provided a critical comfort for them during the trauma of uncertainty and loss. The zoom services have been very special. Yet, we are concerned…our expenses remain the same but, without congregating in person we are worried that the donations will not provide enough support to cover our costs. That is why, in addition to providing the information that is enclosed in this letter, we are appealing to you for donations. Please consider the importance of the Jewish community that surrounds you (albeit virtually) and the need to support that community so that it remains available to you and all who need that support for this year and many years ahead.

The upcoming High Holiday services will be shared via zoom. You can email virtualshabbat@gmail.com or call 845-798-0783 and we can provide the link. See below for the schedule.   New to zoom? Join us for a zoom practice session! See “zoom practice sessions” below for details.

Thank you for being a part of the Agudas Achim family. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Judy Siegel, President

Congregation Agudas Achim



You can order books to follow along in one of three ways.

  • Call the CCAR Press (212) 972-3636 X241 and order a copy of the Mishkan Hanefesh for Rosh Hashanah and/or Yom Kippur
  • Go to the CCAR Press website: ccarpress.org and click where it says, in red at the top of the home page “we are offering a wide range of resources for the High Holiday this year” Once you click on that link you will see options to:
    • Order a kindle version
    • Order a print copy of the Mishkan Hanefesh for Rosh Hashanah and/or Yom Kippur
    • Use the flip book on your computer (you can click on the flip book and see that you can access each page directly from your computer) (this option is free)


Traditionally a yahrzeit candle is lit in honor of those that you are remembering. If you have one lit or plan to light one during yizkor, perhaps you can keep it near you and your computer and we will all share a view of our candlelights during the Yizkor service.




Wednesday             October 2          7:30 PM           Erev Rosh Hashanah

Thursday                 October 3          10 AM               Rosh Hashanah



Friday                October 11               7:30 PM            Kol Nidre   Erev Yom Kippur

Saturday           October 12               10:00 AM           Yom Kippur Morning Service

11:30 AM         Yizkor  (Approximate time)

4:00 PM          Afternoon Service  (Reading of Jonah)

5:30  PM          N’eilah (concluding service)

Dusk                 Community break fast  – Bagels and…



Please be generous again this year.



Your donations are critical to our future.  Please be generous. You can send your donations to us at PO Box 714, Livingston Manor, NY 12758 or you can donate by clicking this link: custom donation

NOTE: To specify any honors or memorials you will need to email us at virtualshabbat@gmail.com as the site does not allow a space for that.


Bagels and …   Stay tuned.


Yizkor means remember. The Yizkor service is an opportunity to honor those that have passed by giving tzedakah[charity] in their memory, on the theory that the good deeds of the survivors elevate the souls of the departed. By giving charity, we are performing a positive physical deed in this world, something that the departed can no longer do.

Please fill out the form below with the name(s) of loved ones that you would like noted during the Yizkor service along with a donation to the synagogue in their honor. Once we receive the form and your donation we will place their names on a list and display it on the screen during the Yizkor service. Your generosity honors them and helps us keep our doors (virtual or actual) open so that we can continue to provide these services.

Yizkor service.


Please list the name(s) of those you would like to see listed on the screen during our Yizkor service. Forms must be received no later than Sept 20th. Email form to: Agudasachim@hvc.rr.com or mail to Congregation Agudas Achim, PO Box 714, Livingston Manor, NY 12758. Please expect a confirmation so that you can be sure your request has been received. You can also email the information to virtualshabbat@gmail.com

NOTE: Memorial Board plaques will be read during Yizkor while names submitted will be displayed

Your Name:      _________________________________________________________________


Your Address    ________________________________________________________________


Your Email   _________________________________________________

Your Phone # _______________________

Name(s) as you would like them listed (please provide a donation for each name listed)

            Please give in the name of those you love that can no longer give themselves.

 Suggested Yahrzeit Donation(s)

$18______       $36_____          $100______   $180______   $250_____   $360______

$500______  $750 _____$1000_______ Other $______


 Please send donations to: Congregation Agudas Achim

PO Box 714, Livingston Manor, NY 12758


 High Holiday Services are Live and Via Zoom

email virtualshabbat@gmail.com for zoom link

Rosh Hashanah Services

Wednesday, October 2

7:30 PM Erev Rosh Hashanah

Thursday, October 3

10 AM Rosh Hashanah Morning Services

Yom Kippur Services

Friday, October 11

7:30 PM Kol Nidre

Saturday, October 12

10AM Morning Services

11:30 Yizkor (NOTE: This time is approximate.)

4:00 Reading of Jonah

5:30 N’eilha

Dusk Community Break Fast

If you would like to be part of shaping the future of Agudas Achim, please send an email to virtualshabbat@gmail.com.