
The Congregation Agudas Achim membership consists of about 80 families. Though formal membership is encouraged, we welcome anyone to be be part of the Agudas Achim family. Our members live primarily within one hour drive of Livingston Manor. However we have a significant number of partial or seasonal members who live outside our area. These members likely live near New York City or in Florida and have second homes nearby. A few people are non-resident members. Most of these who once lived here and want to maintain their sense of belonging.

Memberships are essential to preserving an unlikely Jewish heritage. Your dues will help a rural Jewish community survive and flourish in an area with minimal Jewish population. Our cemetery is over 100 years old and and synagogue is 90. Our membership dues are among the lowest in the nation for a congregation providing essentials of Jewish communal life. We are proud members of the Union for Reform and our members are entitled to all its benefits.

Our dues year is Jan-Jan. A person joining after September 1 will be credited with paying the following years dues.



Household Membership $500 ($475 if paid by March 31)

All household members living under one roof who are able to attend Agudas Achim services or events in person or remotely

Individual membership $350 ($325 if paid by March 31)

Any individual who is able to attend Agudas Achim services or events in person or remotely

Remote membership $250 ($225 if paid by March 31)

Available to any household or individual who does not have a home located in the region, therefore, making them unable to attend High Holiday Services, Shabbat services or events in person, but having the ability to attend remotely.

There is a $25 discount for all dues paid before March 1.
Anyone seeking dues relief should send a written request to the financial committee of the congregation explaining the reasons for the request and contact information.

Please consider joining. You will become part of us and contribute to our future existence. Whether you choose to become a member or not, fill out our interest form below and return it by fax, email, or postal mail. We promise to keep in touch.