Upcoming Events


Agudas Achim will offer  Virtual Kabbalat Shabbat services via zoom on the second Friday night of each month at 7:30 pm. Check our calendar for the dates in 5782.

Join the Rabbi Pomerantz, the Levins and members of our congregation as we keep the faith during the coronavirus crisis.

email: virtualshabbat@gmail.com

to obtain the link to our services on zoom


We will be dedicating the Agudas Achim Daffodil Garden on Tuesday, May 9 at 9:00 AM. In the fall we planted 250 daffodil bulbs as part of the daffodil project (daffodilproject.net) which is supporting daffodil gardens around the world honoring the 1.5 million children lost to the Holocaust. The ceremony will include a presentation by two members of our community that are children of the Holocaust and will be attended by the LMCS 8th grade class and their teacher, Julie Buck. All members of the community are invited and welcome to attend.
Shabbat Shalom!
Please join Congregation Agudas Achim by Zoom or in person for our hybrid-kabbalat-shabbat services.  Now through the High Holidays, Agudas Achim will honor shabbat in our historic synagogue and via zoom. Rabbi Fred Pomerantz will lead us in our Shabbat services on the big screen.  Gather at 7; services will begin promptly at 7:30. The magical voices of our cantorial duo, Ira and Julia Levin, will fill our shul and your home with uplifting music!  
Email virtualshabbat@gmail.com for the Zoom link.